🎭 4 Performances
👥 44 Cast Members
📍 Strathdale Hall
🎟️ 1200 Tickets
Nexus Award
Matthew Bell
Nexus BYT 2011 was an amazing year filled with unbelievable results in the NEXUS family. The year started by connecting the leadership team and making sure that all of the plans for ‘The Sound of Music’ were ready to begin. A budget was set, teams were created and prayer was put into motion, but we never dreamed of what was to come.
Auditions were held in March. Over 50 students attended the auditions (over 50% increases from 2010). It was a long weekend for the Core Leadership (Julie Lovell, Janelle Rotherham, Michelle Cook, Maddy Somerville and Jenny Nicholas), but the cast was set. The final cast consisted of 44 students (as some students were unable to be casted due to prior commitments).
Rehearsals began in March and continued through until July. During this time, relationships were formed that began to change lives. Students, representing almost all of the schools in the Bendigo Region, came together to create a nexus – a connecting point.
The community involvement was very successful as well. We had approximately $7,700 worth of grants and donations made to help with the budget expenses. Our major sponsors were Stratagem and Luxton Rentals. Through these donations/grants, we were able to provide approximately 10 full/partial scholarships to students with financial needs. Wonderful relationships and connections were made throughout the community. A highlight was our cast’s adventure into the Marketplace and Strath Village for a ‘Flash Mob Dance’ (video above).
Grant Strategem Community Foundation
The volunteer involvement was filled with blessing in 2011 as well. The set design/construction/painting team (Led by Deb Wallace and Matt Parkinson) successfully added to its numbers and helped to create vital sets that can be used in many plays for years to come. A special thanks goes to Mark Ludwell for his whole-hearted commitment to the weekly construction team. The costume design team (Led by Tracy Kidd) saw the addition of Steve Smith, a very talented tailor. His connection into the team was true blessing. We needed support in our costume team and Steve needed a community family to connect with – another nexus created. The orchestra (Led by Andrew Trewartha) consisted of 25 volunteers – both students and adults from within the community. The program design team (Led by Janelle Rotherham) also grew in numbers and training. The team was student driven and new leaders were raised up successfully, in hopes of passing on the leadership in 2012. The welfare team (Led by Michelle Cook) was a key area in NEXUS 2011. The care that was set up to provide for student’s needs was vital to the successful running of NEXUS. Another support was provided by the Bendigo Baptist Church, who provided a venue to meet throughout the year.
A highlight in 2011 was our student leadership development. We had students involved in Peer Leadership (Leaders engaging in care and welfare), Student Coaches (Acting, Singing and Dancing) and a Trainee (Kristen Else). These leadership positions allowed students to develop leadership skills and gain confidence.
The Production of ‘The Sound of Music’ was a huge success. Four shows saw over 1,200 people attend. The cast was phenomenal and allowed the audience to view the classic show with an amazing experience. The backstage crew (Led by Karen Otten) consisted of students and adults that were also committed to excellence.