Connecting Lives

Building Community

Nurturing Creativity

Producing Excellence

Training for Life

Connecting Lives • Building Community • Nurturing Creativity • Producing Excellence • Training for Life •

NEXUS BYT has a passion to provide an outlet and connection for all youth Years 7-12 in the Bendigo Region to participate, educate, train and perform in the Theatre Arts. Nexus is a branch of the non-profit organisation BBCCI, also known as MAD COW (Make A Difference, Change Our World) and is run by an exceptional collective group of volunteers*. All volunteers give their time willingly and eagerly to ensure the vision of Nexus is met.

Our Vision

NEXUS desires to see the young people from all over the Bendigo Region connect together on a common ground to create ‘community’ and support for one another.

NEXUS promotes a culture of social inclusion and community. We are a family made up of Christian values where everyone is welcome, included and accepted. We aim to develop leadership, self- esteem, friendship and confidence for many teens that are at risk, vulnerable to exclusion and desperately in need of community. We do our best to practice patience, positive attitude, personal initiative, honesty, trustworthiness, tolerance and consideration for the needs of others. 

NEXUS explores creativity through a wide variety of dramatic mediums, exposing and training students in every aspect of theatre production. Acting to advertising; choreography to costumes; directing to designing; singing to student leadership, we build and equip student strengths while challenging them to achieve their creative potential.

NEXUS strives to produce a quality experience for students. Aiming for excellence in all areas, our goal is to give students an experience they will never forget; inspiring them to use the skills they have acquired to continue to grow in confidence and be a positive influence as future leaders.

NEXUS aspires to help individuals in our community grow their passion for the performing arts by giving them the opportunity to find what they love and where they excel. The worthwhile experiences Nexus offers through internships, mentorships, coaching, workshops, and performing in a full scale musical production, provides all participants with the initial skills and encouragement they need to explore their future within the performing arts.

Read the NEXUS Handbook to learn what NEXUS is all about!

Watch Julie Lovell, Nexus BYT's Producer & Director

Talk about finding your passion at TEDx Bendigo 2017