What are the
saying about Nexus BYT?
From Cast Members, NexOrc and Backstagers
'Nexonian' = Family
‘‘I would like thank my beautiful nexus family for an amazing time this year. At the start of this year I was in a state where I felt I couldn't fit in and I felt down all the time, then I came back to my beautiful nexus family and made me feel accepted for who I am, you guys have made me become the person I am today. You're all a 2nd family to me and I'm very grateful!'
"'A home away from home!' Nexus welcomes people of all shapes and sizes & accepts them for who they are."
"Nexus has been more worthwhile to me than just about anything else I've done this year. It has given me more friends, more confidence and more support than I could have ever asked for…. Nexus is exactly what Bendigo needs - somewhere where youth can go to let out their passion, their emotion and feel like part of a family… My personal favorite thing about Nexus was the journey. To me, the performances are an added bonus, and everything leading up to them is what it is about. The journey to get to the Wizard really was like the Yellow Brick Road, with every turn there was another surprise, another friend waiting to help out. It was been one of the greatest experiences ever."
‘I was unsure whether to join Nexus at first, but I have now realised it was the greatest decision I ever made. Nexus is like a home - loving, caring and always fun!’
" It is also such a great out reach. I loved being a Peer leader, it gave me a great opportunity to be a great example and to be able to reach out to the youth of Bendigo."
'Nexus has made my theatrical dream come true.'
"It has introduced a love to people who never thought such a thing could exist"
“Nexus is great for teenage people to come together to share their passion for performing.”
"It's helped me to be content with myself and who I am... It's also helped me to see others for who they are on the inside rather than their outward appearance…Its shown people and families in Bendigo how beneficial performing can be for young kids…everyone was so united and joyful to be around…I am also so grateful for how much everyone (especially the leaders) care about your well-being and how you're going in life."
"I have developed a sense of self worth and confidence in myself. Nexus has helped me to find a sense of direction and purpose in life… It has created a connection point for the youth to come together, where everyone is accepted and embraced. It has helped to break down the barriers between the schools in Bendigo and given the youth of Bendigo an opportunity of a life time…. It is inspiring to see their (the leaders) dedication to Nexus and to see them utilize the gifts that God has given them. We are all extremely thankful for their hard work and commitment."
“Nexus is opening up acting to a larger part of the community.”
“It’s an amazing opportunity that I haven’t been offered before.”
“Nexus is bringing me out of my comfort zone.“
“Nexus is a great step ahead for my career and I’ve loved being surrounded by lovely, like-minded people.”
“Nexus is a fun experience and I’ve appreciated the opportunity to meet new people.”
"Nexus is great place to be, everyone is friendly."
"I think it has been the best thing to happen to the town in years! It has truly created a 'nexus' for teenagers of all ages, and their parents and friends. It has empowered young people who might otherwise have fallen through the cracks. It has encouraged and inspired 100+ people (easily at least!!!). It has encouraged us... and has taken us all out of difficulties and trials and complications to give us hope and faith and confidence and a place to go where it always feels like home. There is always acceptance, love, faith from other people in cast, and an atmosphere of fun, as well as integrity. Integrity and character is always encouraged and modeled the best it can be by the leaders"
“I like the way that Nexus brings out each others strengths.”
“It is the highlight of my week, where I can relax and have fun.”
“Nexus is a positive, friendly environment where we can feed off each other’s talent.”
“Nexus is a great opportunity to enjoy and explore the Performing Arts and feel safe to be who you are.”
“Nexus is a great place to make new friends who love to do what I love to do!”
“Nexus is a great social network, where I’m enjoying the chance to meet new people.”
“I love being surrounded by people who challenge me to be a better actress.”
"Everybody is extremely supportive. This year I feel I've grown a lot through Nexus… It's also a completely different environment from school in the sense that nobody is defined by what year they're in or how old they are; we're all friends with everyone"
“I’ve found Nexus to be an interesting experience, I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and exploring my character.”
“Nexus is a great opportunity for music and acting, meeting friends and learning from great directors”.
“I love it!!”
“Nexus has helped to awaken my theatrical side.”
It is difficult to put into words how life changing and important in my daughter’s development, not only as a person, but also as a performing artist, and team member, the experience that she has been able to experience and share in with others of her age, by being involved with the NEXUS Bendigo Youth Theatre.
She has learnt many communicative and interpersonal skills through the experiences she has shared, by learning how to develop new friendships while also learning to adhere to very tight work schedules in rehearsal and final performances required to be met to be part of a successful stage production.
It has given her exposure to so many avenues that now she is aware of what it may take, should she at some time in the future pursue this path. It is something that without NEXUS she would never have seen, or known of what it was really like to be involved in such an area.
I can’t speak highly enough of the dedicated people who make up the backbone of the NEXUS BYT organisation, so much so that I was only too willing, as a sign of appreciation for what they had done for my daughter over the past few years, to donate money towards their latest project, so they can continue on the great work they do for the youth in our community.
From Audience Members & ViP's
"I want to say how much I enjoyed the show and how impressed with the talent commitment and enthusiasm displayed by everyone. By coincidence the film of Oklahoma was shown on foxtel this afternoon so I got another dose of one of my favorite musicals. Your production held up so well in comparison.
I think you are doing a wonderful job providing a place for young people to develop in so many areas of their lives."
"I was fortunate to be able to catch Oklahoma (Saturday's matinee performance) and would like to add my compliments to the many you have justly received.
Unlike most in our party I have seen a couple of stage productions of Oklahoma as well as the Hollywood version. I have also had the privilege of listening to the music both at home and while driving long distances. Despite all that I have enjoyed your production very much... Just kidding, it was way beyond expectation and could have gone on tour with very few adjustments. It is in fact a pity it did not go on tour."
"May I most sincerely congratulate and thank-you to everyone involved. We enjoyed every moment. We were impressed with the energy, obvious enjoyment the cast were having and their professionalism. This, of course, is due to your direction, leadership and enthusiasm. I only wish there had been activities for young people within the Church when our family were teenagers."
"Well done Nexus for putting on an amazing performance as was seen last Saturday afternoon. Completely awesome from start to finish. "
"Congratulations Nexus. The preparation that must have gone into The Phantom of the Opera has certainly paid off. What an incredibly amazing show. The talent these teens possess left me in awe. I rode the full rollercoaster of emotions throughout the show. I laughed, I was in love. I was on the edge of my seat in a few parts and I certainly cried. There were moments during some of the songs where I closed my eyes because the voices were so captivating, and it was beautiful to just feel the emotion and the sound of such talent. A feast for the senses. I also loved the costumes and sets."
"Seriously, these kids are scary talented!
It's quite possible they don't fully appreciate just how GOOD they are. The words amazing, incredible, spectacular and awesome fit perfectly. The buzz that The Phantom of the Opera has generated is real - people should be excited by what they've witnessed!"
My Nexus Journey, a parent’s perspective,
Imagine your child arriving home from school one day waving a flyer excitedly in your face and seeing a new enthusiasm in an already fairly happy kid. When he tells you that it is for an audition for a musical and his eyes light up and he talks and talks and talks….That first audition five years ago was exciting. It was also a nervous and anxious time. Waiting till the call backs were posted and then the excitement and more waiting till the cast lists were published Sunday evening; Wow!.... It was the beginning of many wow moments.
Our journey with Nexus began on such a high and then it only got better. My small of stature son with the sweet youthful voice joined a family, a supportive and nurturing group of encouraging and accepting individuals whose goals are to lift you up, lead you further and bring out the very best in you. Nexus is that family and over the following five years my son has seen that he can go far, he can share his ideas, give to others and have a whole lot of fun along the way. Each year’s new production was a new journey into another development. Being a member of the ensemble he saw another aspect of the way the shows are produced. Being involved with a bigger group during rehearsals was an opportunity to develop more friendships and share more ideas. As his confidence grew, being able to assist younger Nexonians as a coach was another new and broadening experience as well as very rewarding. To hear a generally reserved person chatter about new experiences and hear the enthusiasm was so wonderful.
As we entered his final year it was with a little sadness for now as a year 12 student this was to be the last year for performing. Now as a very tall and deep voiced young man in a lead role we once again saw how Nexus can bring out the absolute best and assist to make a student dazzle an audience with subtlety and heart. We saw yet another side to our accomplished and confident son, and being in a show with so much humour was a fairytale ending to this five year journey.
And so to complete this Parents perspective my experience of Nexus BYT is one that is so positive and uplifting. Here is a place where the individual is given the space to shine, where everyone is made to feel secure and confident in who they are and given the opportunities to develop in a happy and nurturing environment. The actual performances are amazing but they are almost only a side effect of what Nexus is. The journey that preparing and rehearsing provides gives time for the performers to stretch their imagination, to find ways to express themselves that they never dreamed possible, to start to become the fantastic individuals that they truly are.
Hearing laughter and words of encouragement coming from the entire cast and seeing friendships firmly bonded in this fantastic environment is very satisfying. It confirms that the decision as parents to support our sons choice to participate in that initial audition five years ago was one of the best ever made. Thank you Nexus for the opportunity to be a part of your family, and absolutely no doubt it is not the end, for he is ready to come back in any way possible, to join backstage or to assist the leaders, or to help in any way possible and also because we all know…… Once a Nexonian Always a Nexonian!