2020- Oliver

49 Cast Members

Performances postponed.


2021- Oliver

46 Cast Members

1 Performance

Parents invited and tickets not sold.

All other performances cancelled.

Nexsemble Award Tania Hutchinson

Nexus Award Leroy Miller

In 2020 Nexus BYT began working on its production of Oliver! Like everyone else in the world our plans were ruined by covid and all the lockdowns.

At first we tried to keep rehearsals going in lockdowns doing everything in online calls… However this wasn’t working so Oliver was postponed until 2021…

Spirits were high as we were able to come back for a second year and got to rehearse in the same space together again. Although the cast looked a little different coming back for a second year of Oliver! We pushed on and did everything we could to finish the show and get on the stage.

Unfortunately, after more lockdowns throughout 2022 we were unable to get the show on the stage. Instead performing for small audiences of just friends and family in our rehearsal space.

As disappointing as it was, to not get on the stage the cast of Oliver! kept their heads held high throughout the entire process, proving themselves to be incredibly strong and resilient.

We are so proud of everything you guys were able to do across those 2 years, even though you didn’t make it to the stage, you were one of the most capable cast’s Nexus ever had!! You should all be so proud of all you accomplished. You are AMAZING!

Nexus BYT's Production of Oliver! Recap video, here's a small glimpse into the most difficult and unique journey Nexus has ever had.